Module lead:
Mr Ahmed Shalan
Module Dates:
Learning objectives:
• Disnguish Between Acute Limb Ischemia and Acute-on-Chronic Ischemia:
Idenfy the various management strategies for acute limb ischemia and
differenate it from acute-on-chronic ischemia based on clinical
presentaon and treatment requirements.
• Evaluate Evidence-Based Medical Treatments for Chronic Limb Ischemia:
Analyze the evidence supporng medical therapies for chronic limb
ischemia, with emphasis on the role of smoking cessaon and its impact on
paent outcomes.• Understand Prognosis and Improve Outcomes in Chronic Limb Ischemia:
Assess the prognosis of chronic limb ischemia paents and explore
strategies to opmize the success of surgical and endovascular
• Master Paent Selecon and Preoperave Opmizaon: Demonstrate
experse in paent selecon, opmizaon, and preoperave evaluaon for
both open revascularizaon and endovascular procedures to ensure beter
• Acquire Proficiency in Bypass Surgery and Diabec Foot Management: Gain
foundaonal knowledge in bypass surgery techniques, effecvely manage
post-operave complicaons, and develop comprehensive skills in the
prevenon and treatment of diabec foot complicaons.